Sunday, October 5, 2008

Carsons Answer

Carson looking....
I think I found it..................
What the heck - there is nothin inside...........
She said Yes!!!!

Highlands Homecoming game and dance were this weekend. His friends talked him to inviting someone. He asked his date to go with him by hanging plastic hangers on her car in the school parking lot . His note asking her said, "I would love to HANG with you at the dance".

She answered him by bringing him a can of shortening with a note that said "My answer is in the contents". So he looked and dug around in this can for a piece of paper with the answer. To his surpraise he didn't find anything INSIDE the container - however, after carefully reading the instructions again he found the answer "YES" on the label "contents" (ingredients) on the side of the can. It was great fun watching him get his hands all messy!!!!

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